
warmachine lot khador

$ 447.21

Availability: 100 in stock


warmachine lot khador. Condition is "Used".Some mercenary models
Karchev the TerribleKommander HarkevichKommander Orsus ZoktavirOld Witch of Khador & ScrapjackThe Butcher of KhardovVladimir, the Dark ChampionVladimir, the Dark PrinceKommander StrakhovIron Fang Uhlan UnitBattle Mechanik OfficerBattle MechaniksDoom Reavers x3Great Bears of GallowswoodGreylord Escort (Doomreaver UA)Greylord TernionIron Fang Pikemen boxIron Fang PikemenIron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard BearerKayazy Assassin UnderbossKayazy Assassins x2Kayazy EliminatorsMan-O-War BombardiersWidowmakersWinter Guard Officer & StandardWinter Guard Infantry & Rocketeers x2FenrisKoldun LordKovnik Jozef GrigorovichMan-O-War Drakhun DragoonManhunterManhunter (Variant)War DogWidowmaker MarksmanYuri the AxeConquestBehemothBeast-09Black IvanHeavy Warjack KitDragoBerserker x2DecimatorDemolisherDestroyerJuggernautKodiak x2Spriggan
Magnus the WarlordOrin MidwinterDirty MegManglerMuleRenegade x2Rover x2Galleon x2